Monday, March 11, 2013

Air Travel: What's Hot Now: Fear of Flying - Aviophobia

Air Travel: What's Hot Now
These articles that had the largest increase in popularity over the last week // via
Fear of Flying - Aviophobia
Mar 11th 2013, 11:03

Courses and resources for air travelers who are afraid of flying. Aviophobia, or the fear of flying, is not confined to the first time flyer, but is also experienced by more seasoned air travelers. There are lots of courses, both online and offered by airlines and companies, that are geared at overcoming this fairly common phobia.

1. Takeoff Today - Questions and Answers to Help Get Rid of Flying Fears

It's not specifically a course, but this guide to everything about flying - from turbulence to what happens if landing gear malfunctions, the guide has a question and answer format. Written by Rich Pantone, a self-declared, former fearful flier, Rich interviewed airline employees with the expertise to answer many of the questions not only a person with aviophobia might have, but really any passenger who has the interest in learning more about how flying works, and what sort of contingencies are in place in case of dangerous situations. A really interesting - and FREE - read. is Pantone's site.

2. Fear of Flying Help Course

Fear of Flying Help Course is a completely free online course to deal with the fear of flying. The course was put together by a pilot for a U.S. airline and includes lots of pertinent topics and also includes things such as the sounds you might hear on a plane. I really like that the course was constructed out of a pilot's desire to help passengers feel more comfortable about the flying experience.

3. Free Fear of Flying Help from SOAR

SOAR offers a free online course geared towards conquering the fear of flying. They also offer several DVD programs for purchase. The free program offers tips, includes a weekly online newsletter, and a forum.

4. Fly Without Fear

Fly Without Fear is basically a CD that offers different breathing techniques to deal with the fear of flying.

5. Virgin Atlantic 'Flying Without Fear' - UK

Virgin Atlantic is one of the airlines that offers courses to deal with fear of flying, including a flight with support from the course instructors. Courses are offered throughout the U.K.

6. Flying Without Fear

Flying Without Fear is one of the more popular self-help books for the fearful flyer. It gives strategies on conquering one's fear of flying as well as covering topics such as airline safety.

7. Fearless Flyers - Australia

The website sums up who Fearless Flyers are - "Fearless Flyers Inc. is a Non-Profit, volunteer organisation run by women pilots since 1979 in association with Qantas Airways Ltd and Airservices Australia." The course includes tours of different ground operations and a flight. Courses are offered in Australia.

8. Fear of Flying Courses - Canada

DePlour runs programs at airports across Canada with an optional flight at the end. It isn't cheap - $795 Canadian plus tax, and the flight is extra.

9. Fear of Flying Clinic - USA

This is one of several companies in the United States that offer classes for fear of flying, with optional flights. Several airlines used to operate fear of flying programs such as American Airlines (AAirborn), and Northwest Airlines (Wings). These programs are now defunct, but many of the companies that offer these types of seminars employ airline pilots, trainers, etc.

Although Northwest Airlines' Wings program is no longer around in name, it has evolved into My Sky Program - with the same staff - 2 psychologists and 2 NW airline pilots, with sessions held in Detroit and Minneapolis.

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